18 B, rue Haute, L-1718 Luxembourg +352 28 99 72 19 contact@meliora.lu

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Ask for Meliora

Meliora literally stands for "better" in Latin.

We are living a profession which can make a difference to your company’s challenges and successes.

Our Services

Meliora offers management consulting and advisory services in the financial sector. We help businesses to identify particular problems in order to find solutions and grow.

Areas of Expertise

  • Project Management

    What is Project Management?

    The Project Management Institute defines the subject as follows: “A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources. Project management, then, is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.”

    Why is Project Management important?

    The importance of Project Management lies with the steering of projects. It is essential to steer, document and execute projects' workstreams, milestones, deadlines and deliverables. Without Project Management a whole project team can be mis-leaded, work without guidance, feedback and purpose. Therefore, a project manager provides vision, motivation, coaching, and inspiration to the team in order to achieve their best work.

    How can MELIORA help you steer your projects?

    Project management is essential for the successful completion of a project and its goals. Meliora has extensive experience in Project Management in the Financial Services industry. 

    1.      We assist you in planning your project, including budgeting, resource needs, workstream definition, etc...

    2.     We help you running your project by staying ahead of your workload, reporting, milestones and deliverables.

    3.     We accompany you during and post-project for example by finalising relevant documentation.

    Are you looking for someone who is motivated to help?

    Discover our team!

  • Operational Review

    What is an Operational Review?

    An Operational Review can be understood as a detailed look within the big picture. It can be performed from various angles but with the intent to provide an impartial view and an independent advice. Using data and factual elements helps the Operational Review to come up with recommendations. Such in-depth views enable facing challenges and defining SWOT.

    Why are Operational Reviews important?

    Everyone, institutions and humans alike, are living in an ever-changing environment. It is key for companies to challenge their organisational structure and processes regularly. Those "sanity" checks are usually driven by growth and change but are too often performed at a very late stage when no other alternative is possible (critical performance or regulatory requirements).

    Performing Operational Reviews facilitates your differentiation on the market. Those exercises stress opportunities and identify problems with associated root causes. It also ensures to maintain compliancy, productivity and profitability at a competitive level.

    How can MELIORA support you?

    Meliora offers extensive support in the area of organisational review and transformation. We can accompany you on the drafting and review of Target Operating Model (TOM), processes and procedures, governance, roles and responsibilities, staffing and workload assessment.

    Our consultants are certified ICMA OCP (International Capital Markets Association - Operations Certificate Programme) and hence are at the state-of-the-art industry knowledge. Furthermore, such reviews are individual and unique, and can be tailored to your business needs should you require a holistic or specific assessment.

    Are you looking for a process reinforcement, a performance review, or an optimisation of your business operations?

    Contact our certified consultant!

  • Sustainable Finance

    What is Sustainable Finance?

    The European Commission defines the subject as follows: “Sustainable finance generally refers to the process of taking due account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations when making investment decisions in the financial sector, leading to increased longer-term investments into sustainable economic activities and projects."

    Why is Sustainable Finance important?

    International agreements such as the UN 2030 agenda and sustainable development goals, the Paris climate agreement and the European Green Deal are driving future regulatory requirements around the topic. And not only the European Union is strongly supporting Sustainable Finance but also investors, market participants and financial institutions.

    How can MELIORA help you in the area of Sustainable Finance?

    Sustainable Finance is the heart of the actual industry evolution and will become the new standard in the coming years. Our consultants are certified experts in sustainable finance.

    1.      We help you to understand how global sustainability megatrends such as the shortage of natural resources, the growth of our population and the global working affect your business needs.

    2.     We assist you to comply with regulatory requirements of the ever-changing regulatory landscape around sustainable finance.

    3.     We support you in defining, shaping and implementing ESG - or sustainability solutions, and in updating your product portfolio.

    4.     We accompany you in developing internal procedures, guidelines and enhancing your external sustainability appearance.

    Are you ready to join our journey?

    Email our certified expert!


 Did you know?

Thanks to our dedicated network, we are able to draw on a wide range of experts and our capabilities go beyond our industry and areas of expertise.

Why People choose us!


Establishment in Luxembourg

100 %

Independent Services

5 +

Consulting Experience

About Us

The team of Meliora has worked with many different financial institutions, including banks, asset managers and CSDs. They have performed several projects aiming to create and develop new products, align existing business models, design sustainable solutions, select and implement systems for the fund administration, review and reinforcement of operations while helping clients to comply with the ever-changing regulatory landscape.
   Our consultants are 100% based in Luxembourg

The Team

  • Thomas BLANQUIER

    Thomas started his career at PwC Luxembourg and benefits from more than 6 years of experience in management consulting. He has been involved in assignments related to the review and improvement of operational processes in the post-trade Financial Services and Securities Services industries. As a business analyst, he has developed a specific expertise in collateral management and has built project expertise with a focus on migration, implementation and testing activities. In each of his assignments, Thomas has supported the daily project management and coordination.

    Thomas holds the ICMA OCP (International Capital Market Association - Operations Certificate Progamme) and the PSM I (Profesional Scrum Master I).

    Dinah started her career in Project Management in Germany, before joining PwC Luxembourg. She benefits from 4 years consulting experience and has a strong background in project management within the financial industry. Most projects are driven by regulatory topics and/or sustainable finance. Her competency lies with management and strategy consulting, where she is profiting from an educational background in general and international management. In her position, she has gained specific experience in the financial services industry through several advisory projects.

    Since 2019, Dinah is Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance (University of Cambridge & Frankfurt School of Finance).
  • We are hiring a Consultant/Manager!

    You are interested in our position, and you are matching our criteria?

    Send us your CV at: contact@meliora.lu

    People – Strong communication skills and stakeholder engagement

    • You manage business partner/client relationships and interact with stakeholders at all levels
    • You focus on your own development by working autonomously and driving your career within MELIORA to the next level
    • You are an ambassador for MELIORA and able to represent our team in local workshops as well as industry specific events

    Progress – Passion for continuous professional development

    • You desire to support our clients, to solve their complex business issues from strategy to execution
    • You are a fast learner and able to understand the most complex matters in short time, you approach any new topic with curiosity and high motivation
    • You focus on contributing to business development activities in the form of proposals (project acquisitions) or research papers next to your own ideas

    Project – Interest in delivering value to customers

    • You are an active team member in a broader project team to solve client challenges, using available information and data
    • You develop project specific knowledge which helps you defending project results and recommendations to (senior) management
    • You leverage your newly gained experience and knowledge to strengthen MELIORA’s service offering

    Your Profile

    • Strong academic background, ideally from top-tier university majoring in Finance, Accounting, Business, Technology, Engineering or Economics
    • Experience in Financial Services Consulting, Banking and/or Asset/Wealth Management
    • Knowledge of the Luxembourg Financial Sector and actors
    • German & English or French & English proficiency (all other languages are a plus)
    • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office tools
    • Very good relationship management skills, strong analytical skills, and problem-solving mindset

Contact Us

We are looking forward hearing from you very soon!
18 B, rue Haute,
L-1718 Luxembourg

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